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College for

Complementary Courses

Complementary Courses

In this category you will find courses on topics that complement PBM / laser therapy and are therefore important or interesting for photomedical practitioners. This group also includes the certification course to become a laser safety officer, which is required by law for all laser therapists.

Certified Training - Successful Publishing in Science

How to Write, Present and Publish in Biodmedical and Health Sciences:
A Guide for Laboratory Researchers and Clinicians

German language courses

Laserschutzbeauftragter Onlinekurs (Medizin / PBM-3R / 3B) nach TROS inkl. Zertifikat

für Anwender von Lasern der Laserklassen 3R und 3B (Wellenlängenbereich von 600 nm bis 1000 nm) für human- und veterinärmedizinische Anwendungen.

Mit OMR PD Dr. sc. med. Wolfgang Bringmann - günstig, schnell, flexibel,
mit Multiple-Choice-Prüfung und Zertifikat

German language course