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PBM is an important element in NAM Dentistry

"For all my patients, whether they are allergy sufferers, non-allergic persons or top athletes, it is important to me to optimize their health and increase their quality of life."
(Dr. med. dent. Tilman Fritsch)

Neuro-Anato-Metabolic Dentistry - What exactly does that mean?

The abbreviation NAM stands for neuro-anato-metabolic and the complex unity of the nervous system, body structures and metabolism. These three areas are closely related and reflect the vitality and psyche of the human being.

Modern dentistry must reflect a more comprehensive understanding of body contexts than it did about 10 years ago. It is about much more than filling destroyed dental material. A l l structures in and around the mouth and thus both the status and the function of the chewing organ play a decisive role in the overall health balance.

A large part of the damage in the oral cavity is the result of our diet and thus of our civilization. A manifest disease develops on the basis of a - mostly unrecognized - disorder here. The impairment of the oral environment plays a major role.

Perfect example: Sugar consumption
Sugar changes the oral environment and leads to acid decalcification of the teeth. This results in tooth decay and the tooth becomes diseased. In order to achieve lasting success in dentistry, the causal disorders must be addressed and previous attempts of therapy must be evaluated.

NAM dentistry includes therapeutic approaches with a holistic understanding of the physical and mental connections. The oral cavity can influence the vitality and the psyche of the human being. The cervical spine and pharynx also belong to this sphere of influence, as do nutrition, digestion and indirectly the entire body metabolism. In short: The "interlocking" between nerves, body structures and psyche begins in the oral cavity. This is where NAM dentistry comes in.

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Pantarey products as milieu therapy for the oral cavity and body metabolism
Panta rhei (gr. Everything flows)
This aphorism characterizes the doctrine of Heraclitus, according to which - to put it briefly - nothing lasts and everything is connected with everything.

As universal as this formula of heraclitic cosmology is, as concrete and relevant to everyday life are the oral health products that the company named after it manufactures: Products for the regeneration of the oral environment, for the detoxification of the mouth, throat and stomach mucous membranes and the skin and products for dental hygiene and much more.
If you are interested, please contact
info@nam-institut.de an.